Contact Us

  • If you are reporting an emergency or need a police, fire, or emergency medical response and you calling from within Kitsap County, please call 911.

  • If you need to reach the dispatch floor and you are not reporting an emergency and do not need a police, fire, or emergency medical response, you can call (360) 308-5400.

  • Most of the time, even if there is a telephone service disruption, you should be able to use a different type of phone to reach us by dialing 911. For example if you have a CenturyLink landline phone that is not working, you may be able to call 911 with your cell phone. You should also be able to text 911.

  • If there is a service interruption and you are not able to reach 911 or if you are outside of Kitsap County but reporting an emergency in our area the best number to call is (360) 307-5844


Maria Jameson-Owens
Executive Director


Brandon Wecker
Deputy Director


Jamie Donley
Assistant Director of Operations


Now Hiring
Technology Services Manager


Jennifer Andrews
Professional Standards Manager


Steve Rogers
Financial Manager


Rachael Taylor
Human Resources Manager


Chris Law
Training Supervisor



You may send a comment to Kitsap 911 via email below. You cannot report a crime or request a response via email. If you are reporting an emergency or need a police, fire, or emergency medical response please call one of the numbers listed above. This email account is not monitored 24/7. If you have not heard back from us within five business days, your email may have been filtered by our email security monitor. Please give us a call at 360 307 5800.

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